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Главная » 2009 » Июнь » 15 » Kasab breaks down on seeing 26/11 photos
Kasab breaks down on seeing 26/11 photos
Mumbai terror attacksANI
Kasab breaks down on seeing 26/11 photos
2009-06-15 18:52:39
Last Updated: 2009-06-15 18:55:56

Mumbai: Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone surviving terrorist involved the terror attacks in Mumbai on November 26, 2008, broke down in court after photographs of the crime were shown to him. 

He, however, told the judge that he was feeling unwell. 

Sebastian D'Souza, a photojournalist, on Monday identified Kasab in a special court hearing as one of the persons who had opened fire inside the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) on November 26 and provided photographs to support his evidence. 

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He placed 100 photographs that he had shot on the night of November 26 before the court.

The photographs clear capture the gunmen firing indiscriminately at people inside the rail terminus. Over 50 persons were killed in that attack. 

D'Souza is the first witness to provide documentary evidence of the terror attack. 

The court has taken 20 of the 100 photographs on record, three of them showing Kasab holding an AK-47 assault rifle and also firing with it. Four other photographs are of Kasab and fellow gunman Abu Ismail firing at people inside the rail terminus. 

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D'souza said that he was working in a newspaper whose head office is located just opposite to CST and on the night of November 26, he came down from the building to go to Hotel Taj, another site of the terror strikes. 

However, as he reached the gate of his office, he heard explosions inside CST and ran to the suburban rail section of the terminus.

The moment he went towards main waiting area of CST station, D'Souza said he saw two gunmen shooting but did not take the photographs due to lack of light. 

He backtracked to the suburban rail section and clicked photographs of the gunmen from two platforms where he took cover, D'Souza said.

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