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«  Июнь 2009  »



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Главная » 2009 » Июнь » 22 » Al Qaeda threatens to use Pak nukes against the US
Al Qaeda threatens to use Pak nukes against the US
Dubai: The Al Qaeda would use Pakistan's nuclear weapons against the US if it was able to get its hands on them, a top commander of the terror group has said.

willing, the nuclear weapons will not fall into the hands of the
Americans and the Mujahideen would take them and use them against the
Americans,' said Mustafa Abu al-Yazid in an interview to Al Jazeera
channel aired  on Sunday.

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'We expect that the Pakistani army would be defeated (in Swat) ... and that would be its end everywhere, God willing,' Iran's Press TV quoted him as saying.

Pakistani army is battling the Taliban in the North West Frontier
Province and the military has claimed significant successes in the

Yazid is said
to be Al Qaeda's military commander in Afghanistan and believed to have
been killed in a US drone strike in August 2008. However, in a video in
February this year, he had threatened that India would face more
Mumbai-style attacks if it attacked Pakistan.

160 people were killed in the November 26-29 Mumbai carnage. The
interview with Al-Jazeera comes after US and Indian officials raised
concerns over the safety of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal amid growing
insurgency across the country.

President Asif Ali Zardari has said his country has a strong
command-and-control system for its nuclear weapons. In February, Yazid
had said: 'India should know that it will have to pay a heavy price if
it attacks Pakistan.'

Taliban deny role in US reporter kidnapping

'The Mujahideen will sunder your armies into the ground, like they did to the Russians in Afghanistan,' he added.

who is said to be ranked behind Ayman Al Zawahiri in the organisation,
had last year claimed that the Al Qaeda was responsible for the
assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto.

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Просмотров: 696 | Добавил: Oscard | Теги: USA, Al qaeda, Pakistan, Nukes, Gulf-Middle East | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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